Today, I took my last class at Deerfield Academy. Fittingly, it was Spanish V. My teacher, a Spanish native from Santender, wished me luck for the coming year. He gave me his phone number in Spain, and asked me to pay him a visit over spring break.
And most likely, I will. I will be spending my senior year in Zaragoza (Sair-a-go-sa is the English pronunciation, Thar-a-go-tha en Español, but even I haven't mastered that one yet), Spain. You can see it on the map to the left: it's a little north of halfway between Madrid and Barcelona. The program has been working with Deerfield for about 50 years (website: http://www.sya.org/pages/spain.cfm) and is called "School Year Abroad", referred to as "SYA".
I leave in early September, so until then, I'll only be posting occasionally, and about the Pioneer Valley. But in any case, I'm excited to be back online, and I'm beginning to feel the stirrings of that wonderful mix of travel emotions: anxiety, fear, excitement, and elation.