The first quarter is just flying by, and we have just finished "third week". Already I'm getting busy: I had a paper due for Core Biology today. Our topics had to relate to genes, so I chose the genetics of longevity - proving that in order to live to be a centenarian or a supercentenarian (more than 110 years old), one must have the correct genetic makeup. I found a bunch of great evidence, so the essay came together well. A draft of a paper for Language and the Human is due Monday, plus a math test next Friday, and a Classics of Social and Political Thought paper due next week as well - in other words, I should probably start spending a lot more time doing work than I have been!
There are so many legitimate distractions: cooking and hanging out with friends, swing dancing, going downtown - and since photos of these are much more exciting then me doing homework, I've uploaded a few.