26 March 2010
Sicily and Barcelona
In simpler words, I'm about to start the best Spring Break ever.
I might not (and by that I mean "I won't) be able to blog until after Easter, so enjoy your holiday and happy spring!
25 March 2010
Lyon, Continued
The conference also involved rotating discussion groups composed of one SYA student from each site in a library room in the center. The Italians would put in their historical views, the French would add theirs, and so would us Spaniards, using the three different but related events and opinions to come to a bit of a conclusion. Our topics of discussion varied from the basic facts – what happened in the bombing of Viterbo? – to historical memory – how is the event remembered? are there monuments, museums, documents? – to post-event trauma – exiles? deaths? – and ending in a full group discussion of historical memory, while oscilated from Europe to the
All this was broken up by a French goat-cheese and tomato grilled sandwich, salads of the best sort, roasted spiced potatoes, a chevre-apple bake, crepes with chestnut puree and chocolate, Morrocan tea, and even an American food shop where we were served toasted bagels (our first bagels in almost 7 months!) with cream cheese and fresh crisp vegetables. I also couldn’t resist a package of Reeses peanut butter cups… Needless to say,
Another great experience of the trip was our connection with French students. On Friday we went to a public school a couple of tram stops from the history center for lunch and an afternoon discussion. We also found out who we would be staying with the following night – each of us chose a French host student! We learned a lot about the French school system, living in
After making such great friends and enjoying ourselves so much in the quiet but busy historic city of
24 March 2010
Cinco Días en le France

I hit the ground running after coming back from the conference in Lyon, and haven't had time to write about it yet. In addition I've been experiencing serious laptop issues (apparently 3 1/2 years puts it into the elderly category), but luckily I can update from any computer.