Above: Muriel, the pianist for the jazz group "Tucan-Tucan", solos on a really cool piano-guitar thing-a-ma-bob. Sweet!

Above: Andrew Verster, artist, hangs some of his works for his exhibit. These mixed-media paintings were created with a layers of tissue paper ironed together with wax.

Above: Another of Verster's works; for inspiration, he visited a tattoo-artist friend.

Above: A still from the play "Jutro", which takes place in World War II era Poland. The man is sheltering the woman, a Jewish performer, in his bomb-shelled bar.

Above: A still from "Spun: The Legend of DJ Tommy Guns". Tommy is holding a DJ-ing record, which also doubled as an alien disguise in his one-man show.

Above: The poster for "Spitfire", the best show I saw at the festival. Grahamstown was covered with posters; no building or fence could escape. This show was incredible, and Ewok certainly has talent and deserves the awards mentioned on the poster!

Above: Another incredible show's poster. "Mouche" moved one of our party to tears, and we were all on the brink. Even the puppet-petrified student with a phobia of masks and dolls ended up enjoying it!

Above: The poster for "Out of Time", another incredible show. This moving monologue portrays a comatose father's last words to his son.
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