I don't quite know where the recipe ran off to, but I think it came from modifying one of
Hannah Kaminsky's in the cookbook
My Sweet Vegan. I headed over to the strawberry field about a month ago with the best intentions of picking a quart or two, but the fruit looked sparse and overtaken by weeds - yet another short season, victim to the terrible heat and humidity this year. The only things thriving are the tobacco fields.

However, on the cart amongst the already-picked strawberries were some crisp and shiny local cherries. They weren't the big sweet kind from the supermarket, but they looked irresistible. I had seen some gorgeous photographs of corn muffins with cherries perched on top the other day, so I cannot claim the idea as my own, but I did create the recipe myself: after pitting a cup or so of cherries by hand and folding them into the batter, I spooned the muffin tins full and placed a perfect cherry in the center of each soon-to-be muffin.

They came out of the oven looking cuter than ever. Om nom nom.
woah - totally did not know you kept a blog. from now on, i am gonna be all over this
I love that you have an amazing food blog! It's great and the pictures are amazing... not to mention the travel pictures and your genius gained while you were in Spain and those posts. Think you have me a few up in the genius scale, my love
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